Who is Phyllis Lane?

Phyllis Lane is a  super creative and wildly intuitive soul coach mentor. She  has dedicated her life to living life fully and helping others do the same.  She lives the pathless path, dancing to her own beat,  following the roadless traveled. led by Spirit. AKA intuition.  She has coached. and guided countless individuals on their own personal journeys of self-discovery, and inner transformation.

From an early age, Phyllis embodied a deep sense of empathy and intuition. She possessed a keen ability to tune in on deep level to understand the emotions and desires of those around her, which inspired her to explore the realm of spirituality and creativity. Through her creative endeavors, clients started seeking her out for mentorship and intuitive guidance which led to Phyllis embarking and becoming a a soul coach and mentor.

Drawing from a diverse range of spiritual and creative practices, Phyllis developed her unique coaching methodology. She seamlessly blends her own life embodied life experience, with ancient wisdom and modern techniques, providing her clients with a holistic and inspired approach to self-exploration. Through one-on-one sessions,  and  intimate destination retreats, Phyllis empowers individuals to connect with their inner selves, embrace their authenticity, and live a life aligned with their true purpose.

Beyond her role as a soul coach, Phyllis is also an accomplished artist and encourages her clients to explore their own creative expressions. She believes that creativity is a powerful tool for self-discovery. healing and spiritual practice. Through various artistic modalities, such as painting, writing, photography and movement, she guides individuals in tapping into their spontaneous creative flow and embracing the beauty of self-expression.







*Certified Deep Transformational Coach  grounded in practical psychology, spiritual wisdom, and consciousness studies, allows one to grow at a deeper level. It combines psychological techniques, spiritual insights, and an understanding of consciousness to support individuals in reaching their highest potential. A certified Deep Transformational Coach helps clients explore the underlying beliefs, emotions, and patterns that may be holding them back and guides them through a process of self-discovery and transformation. This type of coaching aims to create lasting change and empower individuals to live more authentic, fulfilling lives.a certified deep transformational coach creates the space and practices that expand the capacity to facilitate profound inner change, getting to the root cause,   Deep Transformational Coaching  is a new paradigm of coaching designed to meet the needs of those who are ready to embrace the magnificence of who they are.

*Certified Energy Medicine Coach an integrative approach to health and wellness, combining various disciplines such as shamanic energy medicine, nutrition, biology, neuroscience, and health coaching. This holistic approach can provide a comprehensive perspective on well-being, considering physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of health.  Working with  Dr. Alberto Villoldo, at the Light Body School, receiving the world’s most thorough training with over 300 hours in Shamanic Energy Medicine.

* HeartMath®certified coach and mentor licensed to share the HeartMath techniques and technology to help clients reduce stress, anxiety and  build resilience. The HeartMath approach focuses on using breathing techniques and other tools to regulate emotions and promote overall well-being.

*Certified Functional Medicine Wellness Coach  As a FMCA-trained health coach, helping guide patients to optimum wellness using Functional Medicine, Functional Nutrition, Mind-Body Medicine, and Positive Psychology.

Certified Creativity Coach  with Eric Maisel, having the skills to support and guide individuals to unlock their creative potential, and support them in following their creative callings.

*Gabrielle Roth, learning the  5Rhythms Movement, which is a dynamic movement practice, a practice of being in your body that she helps others ignite ones inner wisdom, creativity, connection,  and wellness.

* Year long mentoring and study with Dr. Jacob Lieberman, who is a pioneer in the fields of light, vision and consciousness and the author of  Luminous Life.






Artist Entrepreneur

Mentor/Coach   Creativity Coach Life Mentor

Author   Surrender To The Flow

10000 Hours You Become What You Practice

10000 Hours You Become What You Practice Workbook

The Garden of Your Life Workbook

Nature is Medicine


Unleashing Creativity,   is an uplifting and empowering documentary that showcases Phyllis Lane’s transformative work, inspiring viewers to embrace their inner artists, unlock their creative potential, and live a life infused with imagination, authenticity, and joy. Through a series of intimate interviews, the film reveals the transformative role that creativity has played in the lives of different artist, athletes, creatives, such as Carlos Santana, Steve Nash, Steve McCurry, Gabrielle Roth, Julia Cameron, SARK and many others filming the importance of creativity, why it is important, and how it heals. Her film raised over 100K for the Free Arts of AZ, a non profit that using creativity to help homeless and underprivileged children.

Fashion LifeStyle role Model  represented  FORDRBA Agency